OK so it's more fun than crazy, but it's still madness!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Surf City!!

We spent a week in Topsail Island with friends, and what a great experience! Emily had been to the beach twice, but this was a first for Maicy. They loved it! They spent from morning to night in the surf. Maicy would eat sand and Emily would crash in the waves. Hour after hour after hour. When they were done, it was back to the beach house for food, DVDs, and video games!

Here's a view from the beach house. You can't tell, but that's some talllllll sea grass growing from a tall sand dune. It was perfect! The area was all residential, so there wasn't alot of crowds or busy-ness. Just silence. Free silence, in fact, since the house was on loan from a family member. All we had to pay was for food!
Here is Em the surfer girl. She really took to it, and kept her balance quite well! Granted she was only boogie boarding, but still it's more than I can do! Here's another picture of her, and a video, this time trying to catch some waves.
Maicy was attacked by a rogue wave. All was fine for a while, she was just splashing on the shore, and then WHAMO!
I was able to sneak in a few other pictures, too, like this one of Maicy eating her banana, and another of the two of them attempting to take a walk along the beach.
We even attempted a kayak! Here's Misty's kayak try.
Heading out to the water.....
Tipping over....
LOSING the kayak....
The kayak, found....
At the end of the week, fun was had by all.


Anonymous said...

I just can't get over how natural Em looks on that beach with the board on her head! She is going to be a surfer girl!!!! Looks like an awesome trip, Sarah!

Mom2Morgan.Dylan said...

I'm telling you Sarah, Emily and Dylan would make SOME dynamic duo, lmbo. ;o) Glad you had a great time, the beach house looks just perfect!

Cathy said...

That looks like a BLAST!! Love the pictures, Sarah!
