OK so it's more fun than crazy, but it's still madness!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday Top Ten

Well, I've fallen months behind on the board Tuesday Top 10, but hey I'll jump in when I can....

Top 10 Not-So-Serious Things I Am Thankful For...

1) Let's just get this out of the way...friends, family, health, and home.

2) The people that not only read my blog on a regular basis, but also have it bookmarked. I'm thankful that someone cares enough about what I have to say to read it on....let's say....a semi-annual basis. So here is a, what do you call it? Shout out? To you.

3) Silly stuff, like the book I'm reading to keep me entertained yet thinking in a way I haven't thought, nor care to think. It's called Working Stiff by Grant Stoddard. Amusing, creepy, but I like it and while I'm not so much thankful for it, I do appreciate the diversion.

4) On the subject of diversions...I appreciate my workday diversions.

5) Iced Coffee. Well, only McDonalds iced coffee. It's not bitter, not burnt, not alot of calories, and quite yummy. And how about Mega M&Ms. My God those are good.

6) My church. For being normal. I'm thankful that we're not a bunch of crazy holy rollers that Colleen things we are. We're not. But they're the only family I have here, and friends may be fickle, but I doubt church will ever come close. I'm thankful that my pastor has a sense of humor, and that he tries to convince us all that when he hit the ball in the water on the 13th hole, he was really yelling DUCK! As in OH NO WATCH OUT, DUCK!!!

7) The location of my house. OK so this has been done before, but here it is again. It's a prime location to view aircraft in and out of O'Hare, Waukegan, and Chicago Executive. Can't beat that.

8) That my dog is in heaven. Thankful? Yes, thankful, because there was no way he'd survive this winter pain free.

9) My husband and his wonderful sense of humor that keeps me laughing even 15 years later.

10) WLSam. Yes, I'm thankful for them. Talk about a true diversion. I've listened to that station for 9 years and I'm still not tired of it. If I added up all the time I've spent listening to them at home, in the car, and online, how many weeks/months would that equal?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

On a lighter note....

Maicy is two! Can you believe that?! She had a fun little party with her friends and enjoyed her gifts and cake!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

"He was a good dog, My best friend, right through it all"

It's over, he's gone. The house is different, not quieter, not any cleaner, just different.
We miss him. He had a wonderful morning, with two walks, lots of hugs and lovin', and then a trip to the vet with family and friends. He struggled at the end, I wanted to scream "no wait stop, don't do this, don't go." The needle wouldn't go in. Finally she got in enough to calm him down and make him drowsy. Then she went to add more, and he was confused, upset, struggled, tried to get away. Jeff had to hold him down, I buried my face in his fur. Emily buried her face in her stuffed duck, Reilly buried his face in his Mom. We all took a break, regrouped, and tried again. This time I held his face in my hand and kissed all over and told him how much I loved him. Then, suddenly, the light in his eyes was gone. He didn't go to sleep, didn't lay down, the eyes were just gone. I asked the vet if he's gone, she listened to his heart, and then nodded. That was it. We stayed with him a bit longer, and then left. He'll come home next week in an urn.

Friday, November 2, 2007